热搜:南怀瑾 |证严上人


歐美人學中文· 初級練習本
鄭國雄 主編
小16 开


       Primary Textbook consists of two parts: Phonetics and texts.
       In Phonetics, we will first learn the general table of the phonetics, the rule of Pinyin and then practice Pinyin. In the book, Exercises 1 to 5 are designed to practice vowels, consonants and accents; Exercises 6 to 8 are for useful words, expressions and simple sentences to make the learner get familiar to the basic knowledge of Chinese phonetics.
       In the textbook there are 22 lessons, each has two theme-related short passages available for classroom teaching. The grammar of this level is mainly about four kinds of predicate sentences and five interrogative sentences. We will discuss the main sentence structure as the attribute, adverbial (modifier) and complement, etc., and the combined or complicated sentences, e.g., the comparative sentences and the sentences with “把” or “被”.
       On vocabulary, we will begin with the number, pronoun, interrogative, location words, and then the common verb, adjective, adverb and proposition. Since the classifier (or measure word) is always regarded as one of the most difficult problems in Chinese language teaching and learning for an English speaker, we have changed the usual detached teaching method of classifier-learning and, instead, focused on teaching the classifier (or measure word) in a condensed way, e.g., the lesson We’re Singing the Song of Classifiers together with Please Tell Me the Classifiers in this textbook may impress you somehow as funny and functional as well. Totally in Primary Textbook, 90% of the words are A-level words. And in order to make students learn or remember words easily, we combine the similar words in a group (e.g., 上午、下午、晚上;哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹、母亲、父亲) or show the synonyms and antonyms in the same text (e.g., 多少、大小、远近、新旧、上下、左右、买卖、存取) , etc..
       As for Primary Workbook, we focus on the practice of grammar and sentences. There are lots of exercises on “Substitution”, “Make a sentence by using the following words in a right order,” and “Reading the following sentences” to make students get familiar with the words or expressions and sentences in the text. And there are also some dialogues designed for students’ imitation.
       Nevertheless, the beginners shall enhance their character-writing practice. Hence the Character-Writing Workbook is designed for the beginners to practice writing about 5 to 7 Chinese characters everyday, i.e., 25 to 35 characters per week (from Monday to Friday).
       Generally speaking, the Beginner’s Textbook is designed for about 4 to 6 hours’ study per week for about one year’s teaching.
       The author


       郑国雄,教授。1937年生,男,浙江温州人。毕业于上海师范大学中文系,现任职于复旦大学国际文化交流学院。长期从事高等院校的对外汉语教学和研究工作,是国家专门培养的出国师资、国家《对外汉语教师资格证书>第一批持证者,曾三次由国家教委派往法国任教,前后长达六年之久。曾在国内外多家刊物发表论文多篇。有其独到见解。编著对外汉语教材多部,其中具代表性的有《半年学会中国话》(汉英本中国版)、《半年学会中国话》(汉日本日本版)、《汉语入门四十课》(汉英本中国版)、《汉语入门》上下卷(汉日本日本版)、《山本夫妇游中国》《汉日本日本版)、《序列短文阅读》(汉英本中国版、汉法本中国版)、《汉语口语教程》高级本(汉英本中国版)、《基础口语》(汉英本中国版)、 《日常口语》(汉英本中国版)、《旅游口语》(汉英本中国版)、《话题口语》(汉英本中国版)、《议论口语》(汉英本中国版)、《新概念汉语》初级、中级、高级(汉英本中国版)等。其中《汉语入门四十课》曾在1988—1992年全国对外汉语教学优秀奖评选中荣获优秀教材三等奖。


       序  言
       Zheng Guoxiong
       (International Cultural Exchange School of Fudan University)
       Shortly after the publication of New Concept Chinese ( by Beijing Languages & Culture University Press), I edited a second series of Chinese textbooks entitled Chinese for English-Speakers, mainly for the Europeans and Americans, hoping to make the Chinese-language-learning interesting and practical. Here, “interesting” means that we have tried our best to find some interesting topics and contents for the reader; while “practical” means that the words, expressions and sentences in the texts are frequently used in Chinese daily life.
       Now this new series of Chinese for English-Speakers mainly distinguish itself in the following four aspects:
       First, we have enriched the vocabulary with A-level words. Primary Textbook and the first ten lessons in Intermediate Textbook have almost covered all the 1,033 A-level words, which are the most frequently used words in daily life and henceforth make a basic knowledge for the learner and prepare the reader for a further learning of Chinese language.
       Second, we have paid special attention to grammar and main points in Chinese language learning. For example, the classifier (or the measure word) is always regarded as being the most difficult in Chinese language teaching and learning for an English speaker. So in this series of Chinese for English-Speakers, we have changed the usual detached teaching method of classifier-learning and, instead, focused on teaching the classifier (or the measure word) in a condensed way, e.g., the lesson We’re Singing the Song of Classifiers together with Please Tell Me the Classifiers in Primary Textbook may impress you somehow as funny and functional as well.
       Third, the topics and contents of this Chinese for English-Speakers are deliberately chosen for 3 reasons: 1) trying to show the history and traditional culture of China; 2) to reflect the focused issues of modern China; 3) to explain the moral attitude of Chinese people and the difference between Chinese and foreign cultures.
       All the topics and materials in the textbooks are selected through repeated comparisons, a planned survey and from experimental teaching in order to be objective and up-to-date. In introducing Chinese and global celebrities, for example, we choose topics about Confucius, Sun Yat-sen, Lu Xun, Mei Lanfang, Marco Polo and Bill Gates to profile their life or personality. As for the introduction of China’s geography and famous scenery, we only select some typical ones for a brief and concise introduction. Since the cities always reflect truthfully the modern life of a country, we choose Beijing — capital of PRC and a city with a long history — and Shanghai — a modern metropolitan as our topics. On the focused issues of present China, we introduce some topics about China’s peasants, population control, education, economical development and environmental protection, etc., which are mainly concerned by many curious foreigners.
       Fourth, we have designed in the supplementary workbooks a large amount of exercises and have paid special attention to the reappearing and use of the new words and expressions, the important grammar and syntax in the textbooks. Therefore the reader can review what he/she has learned from the texts and master the skill of the language by practice.
       Altogether this series of Chinese for English-Speakers has 3 levels: Primary Level, Intermediate Level and Advanced Level. Each of them includes a textbook and a workbook besides a Primary Character Book for beginners’ imitation. There’re 22 lessons in each textbook for foreign learners at certain level. Each textbook is designed for about 4 to 6 hours’ study per week for about one year’s teaching. While Primary Character Book is designed for the beginner to practice writing about 5 to 7 Chinese characters every day, i.e., 25 to 35 characters per week (from Monday to Friday).
       Last but not least, this series of Chinese for English-Speakers is edited in both original complex and simplified form of Chinese characters for the learner’s sake that he/she can choose to learn according to his/her pleasure. Actually, I myself quite agree with Mr. Yuan Xiaoyuan that the foreigner may learn Chinese in a way that they can “know the original complex form but write in simplified one.” The reason is that you will not be able to read the Chinese newspaper printed abroad or the original text of Chinese classics without knowing the original complex form; and similarly you will have difficulty in taking notes if you cannot write in simplified form. That’s, of course, my own humble opinion for your reference.
       Above all, I’m obliged to Prof. Zhu Yongsheng, Dean of International Cultural Exchange School of Fudan University, for his sincere help and support.
       目  录
       第一课 我 你 他
       第二课 看书 写字
       第三课 我还喜欢吃鱼吃蛋
       第四课 我是书迷
       第五课 他是谁
       第六课 这是我弟弟
       第七课 那儿有很多国旗
       第八课 我去机场送你
       第九课 你头疼 我脚疼
       第十课 新房子在城里
       第十一课 东西南北中
       第十二课 我们在唱量词歌
       第十三课 请你说说量词吧
       第十四课 街上停着一辆车
       第十五课 我从商店来
       第十六课 你去过长城吗
       第十七课 我很笨 没听懂
       第十八课 回来 回去 出来 出去
       第十九课 上海和悉尼
       第二十课 把门关上 把窗户打开
       第二十一课 刮大风 下大雨
       第二十二课 别跟我开玩笑了
       Lesson 1 I You He
       Lesson 2 Read and Write
       Lesson 3 I Like Fish and Eggs, Too
       Lesson 4 I’m a Bookworm
       Lesson 5 Who Is He
       Lesson 6 This Is My Younger Brother
       Lesson 7 There Are Many National Flags Over There
       Lesson 8 I’ll See You Off at the Airport
       Lesson 9 You Have a Headache, I Have a Footache
       Lesson 10 The New House Is in the City
       Lesson 11 East, West, South, North and the Middle
       Lesson 12 We’re Singing the Song of Classifiers
       Lesson 13 Please Tell Me the Classifiers
       Lesson 14 A Car Is Parking in the Street
       Lesson 15 I’m Back from the Shopping
       Lesson 16 Have You Ever Visited the Great Wall
       Lesson 17 I’m Too Slow to Catch You
       Lesson 18 Come Back, Go Back, Come Out, Go Out
       Lesson 19 Shanghai and Sydney
       Lesson 20 Close the Door and Open the Window
       Lesson 21 Strong Wind and Heavy Rain
       Lesson 22 Do Not Play a Joke on Me





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